This posting is being made just to prove that I will, in fact, respond to being "tagged." I was initially tagged back on October 26th and I have now been tagged again. Here goes:
PART ONESEVEN THINGS YOU (PROBABLY) DON'T KNOW ABOUT ME...I will preface my list with the following statements...
I have not spent a lot of time thinking about the subject and will probably think of much better things later on after I have already composed the list.
Ben knows pretty much everything about me, so this list will obviously not apply to him. I have a few close friends that might know most of these things and if they don't know it they won't be surprised by it.1. When getting out of the bath or shower, I absolutely must dry off in a particular order.Seriously, I will get all messed up and be disoriented. I hate air-drying and must complete the task as quickly as possible in order to prevent that being the case. I don't think I have enough energy to actually describe the order, but I actually had a discussion (and laugh) with Samantha about it last week after a shower.
2. I am a "picker" and "peeler."I have an almost subconscious habit of picking on any sort of bump on my skin, especially on my head. I also love peeling know, like after a sunburn heals? I honestly think I get this from my mother. I remember getting a horrible sunburn in Florida on a band trip (this one time, at band camp...oops, wrong trip). After getting home from the 17-hour bus ride and finally getting a good shower, my mom was able to grab the skin at the top of my back and peel it off in one big sheet. She loved it!
3. I am SUPER METICULOUS!Most people think I am "anal retentive," but I think it is a case of being "super meticulous." It's a much more positive spin on my "condition," don't you think?
4. I love smelling books.Do you think that sounds weird? It must be something with the paper and/or inks. It also applies to magazines and basically any other printed material. I also have a fascination with the texture of pages...the crisp, untouched pages of a new magazine anyone? Want to know something "sad"? The girls ask to smell things after I do...I'm passing it on...Aaaaaahhh!!
5. I don't particularly care for the water (swimming) if I'm not in a relatively small swimming pool.This has nothing to do with being seen in a bathing suit. I think JAWS exists and is waiting for me to let down my guard.
6. ?7. ?I'm all out of things to add to the list. Pretty much everything I could add would be one more facet of my "super meticulous" behavior. I could go on and on about that!!
PART TWOSURVEY SAYS...1. Two Names You Go By Missy and Mommy
2. Things You Are Wearing Right Now red, long-sleeve thermal shirt
socks (and undergarments, too!)
3. Two Things You Want Very Badly at the Moment a job
financial peace
4. Two People You Look Up To Ben
5. Two Things You Did Last Night baked chocolate-chip cookies
played games on Webkinz
6. Two Things You Ate Yesterday blueberry bagel with whipped cream cheese
turkey and cheese sandwich
7. Two People You Last Talked To Samantha and Riley
8. Two Things You're Doing Tomorrow cleaning three toilets
hugging my babies
(not necessarily in that order!)
9. Two Longest Car Rides Seattle, WA to Morristown, TN (December 2002)
South Whitley, IN to Great Falls, MT (September 2008)
10. Favorite Holiday(s) Christmas
11. Favorite Vacations Kauai with Ben - August 1996
Tennessee with my in-laws
12. Last Trip Relocation trip...cross-country from Indiana to Montana
13. Two Favorite Beverages Vanilla Coke (from a fountain, not canned)
Sweet Tea
I feel that I can now go to sleep since I have responded to my "tags."
Once again it is 1:00 am...