It was after 3:00pm when we left our room to get some fresh air. I took the remainder of the loaf of bread with us to feed to any geese and/or gulls we happened upon. I stopped at the post office downtown to check our mailbox and then we headed toward River Drive to find some fowl to feed. Samantha asked if we could find a park so she could play.
Luckily, we found both birds and play equipment at our disposal. The girls fed the bread to apparently starving geese (they were stealing it out of Riley's hands before she could even tear and throw pieces). They were anxious to play, so they ran ahead while I finished the loaf with the gulls. By the time I reached the playground, I noticed Riley's jeans were awfully dark on her inner legs... yup, you guessed it...she wet her pants. I was out of my mind!! She wet her pants at a store this past weekend, so I wasn't too thrilled with this second accident. She screamed and threw a fit all the way back to the car. Oh...she had sat on Samantha's lap to ride down a slide, so Samantha had wet pants thanks to her little sister.
After returning to the hotel for clean clothes, we went out for dinner. Chili's was the restaurant of choice this evening. They both behaved really well and we entertained ourselves by playing "Hangman" while waiting for our food. There was one potty trip before our food came and we made a pit stop on the way out of the restaurant since Riley drank her entire cup of Sprite during the meal.
We returned to the hotel once more... we stopped in the Business Center of the hotel (just a few doors down from our room). The girls wanted me to print off some coloring pages from the PBS Kids website. Riley appeared to be doing a "potty dance." I asked her repeatedly if she needed to go to the bathroom. Each time she adamantly stated, "No." I trusted her word... WRONG THING TO DO! She proceeded to pee her pants right there on the carpet of the business center room. OH MY GOSH!! I just might have a stroke tonight after all!!!!!!
I shouldn't go into details about the ensuing "conversations," but since the kids have gone to bed... I did yet another load of laundry and ate a pint of cookie dough ice cream from the hotel commissary. cream therapy!
I feel better now that I've vented here on this blog. It is therapeutic, I think, to let others into the little details of everyday life. If someone didn't know it before, they surely know now... I go NUTS when being with the kids all by myself.
Here's the sad part, though. Riley has asked three times now if we can go "home." How heartbreaking is that? The poor kid is craving her old life and routine. I keep telling myself that they are as out of sorts as I am. I am not the only one dealing with the situation. We are going to visit the school tomorrow and see what I need to do to get Samantha registered to hopefully start next Monday. Maybe once Samantha starts getting into a routine, she will be a little bit happier. Once Samantha is gone during the day, Riley and I can get back into a little routine as well. I need to start "pounding the pavement" and get a job. I also need to start looking and asking around about daycare/preschool for Riley. She needs other kids right now...not just her big sister and crazy mother.
Has anyone noticed how much I love to use quotation marks and the three-periods thing... just wondering?!'s hoping for a FABULOUS WEDNESDAY!!! Love to all!
This picture below is especially for my "old new neighbor" Carrie... we surely would have been great friends had I stuck around long enough!
1 comment:
That chipmunk isn't the brightest, now is he? Thanks for the picture. I agree, a wonderful scrappin' friendship would have formed, I am just sure of it. Guess blogger friends will have to do until Ben decides to move again (I am hoping he chooses South Whitley again). Ha!
As for the quotes and ... I think we do it because it's the way we talk. My bro-in-law says he loves reading my blog because he can hear me saying what he is reading. Does that make sense?
I hope things go well with the school and finding a place for Riley. I remember that stress all too well. It will work ... well, because it just has to, right?
Here's to a better Wednesday!
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