Monday, March 16, 2009

WOW...What a Blog Slacker!

It's amazing how time flies, isn't it?

We had a great time when Mike and Cathy visited at the beginning of last month. We took a drive down to Helena and then came back a different way...can't think of what it is called, but we drove past some really beautiful countryside. We also got to see a couple of MOOSE!! Cathy's keen eyes caught sight of a huge moose getting a drink from the stream running adjacent to the highway. It was gorgeous!

Not too much else has been happening in the Schott household lately...just working and taking care of the family. It just so happens that Samantha is sick right now with a bit of the flu and Ben is out of town in Polson, Montana at a Hazmat Conference. I'm just hoping that the rest of us don't catch what she's got. We'll keep out fingers crossed!

I will update with new pictures soon. The girls have had haircuts...they're so CUTE!!

Love to all!
I'll write sooner next time, I promise!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Hey Missy, I am finally getting to play around with the DSL. I even hooked up my Camera dock so watch out you might just get some picures. REALLY looking forward to seeing you all in a week. Love, Nancy