Friday, November 14, 2008

Good News!

We found out this morning that we can finally close on our house next Wednesday morning. Gosh...just one day earlier than I predicted on my change of address cards. We should also be able to take immediate possession since the previous owners have already moved out. This, I know, because I "stalk" the house every day after picking up Samantha from school. Earlier this week the lender came back and said the VA appraisal required two things to be done before closing. They wanted a handrail installed in the garage next to a few steps leading down to a door entering the house. The second thing was a little bit of chipping paint on the exterior of some/all windows...they wanted them repainted. The owner had these things done before 3:00 pm the same day! Hooray!

Another piece of good news is that the movers will be able to deliver our household goods (furniture) next week, too. We asked for them to deliver on Friday so that we have a good day and a half to clean. We would also like to paint our master bedroom and the girls bedroom. We'll see how it goes. It's an ambitious plan, but we are hoping for the best.

That's all for now. We are just sitting and waiting now.

Love to all!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Hooray! Good-bye hotel living (well, until Ben wants to move again). We miss you guys.