Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hallelujah for SCHOOL!

I know I haven't posted for a week, but who can blame me when the same old thing happens every single day here because of our "hotel life." However, the highlight of the last week did happen to be Ben's return to Great Falls from his business trip to Louisville. He said one of the weird/cool things was chatting with someone from the Weather Channel (Jim know, the guy who seems to be the first out in a hurricane every time?). If I'm not mistaken, he's a pretty short guy and Ben felt like he towered over him a little. I think Ben is really enjoying his new position and will be a fabulous WCM... I'M PROUD OF YOU, HONEY!!

Last Wednesday the girls and I visited the elementary school in our neighborhood. I took care of getting her registered to start this past Monday. My not-so-little girl actually told me on Sunday evening that she was getting nervous. I melted...she has always been such a brave person. I told her about my own personal experiences (having been to 16 different schools myself) and she seemed to feel a little better. Riley and I walked her to her new classroom Monday morning. Her teacher, Mrs. Rittel, is so kind and seems so involved with her classroom kids. They were all excited to have another girl...she was the 6th one in the class. Apparently, the ratio of boys to girls around this age is pretty high. She may have her "pick of the litter" later out fellas!! After school she seemed pretty happy...enough so that I told her I could walk her in every day this week if she wanted. Her response was, "That's OK Mom. You can just drop me off from now on." How quickly I was cast aside! I'm proud of her and she has fit right in according to her teacher. She is definitely much happier this week!!!

By the way, I am so happy to have her at her school (Meadow Lark Elementary) here in Great Falls. The school was recently awarded the Blue Ribbon Award by the U.S. Department of Education. It has to do with the No Child Left Behind initiative. Only 320 schools in the entire nation were recognized for their accomplishments. Meadow Lark was the only school in the entire state of Montana to receive this award. Score for Mom and good decision in moving to this town and choosing the right neighborhood!

Riley and I are going to visit a daycare/preschool tomorrow morning. This center is so good that there is quite a waiting list. I will find out after our tour just how long of a list...I can't really start a job until I figure out where best to place that little booger. She is craving the social interaction so much that every time we visit McDonald's to play (OK, and eat), she "makes friends" with every single child no matter their age. Samantha is just left in Riley's dust at that point. It is too funny to watch!

The other thing happening tomorrow (Thursday) is the inspection of our home. I am anxious to see if it passes with flying colors or if there will be a laundry list of things to fix before closing. We already made a killer deal getting the house...I don't want to lose it because of repairs needed. We'll wait and see and I'll keep you posted.

Ben has taken the girls down to the pool while I go get dinner. I'd better place the order and get moving. Hope everyone reading this is well. We are desperately missing our family and friends already!

Love to all!

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