Monday, October 13, 2008

Monday...and already losing my mind!

OK...maybe I am being a little dramatic, but I am already SO tired of being cooped up in a hotel. We've been here just about two weeks. But, hey, the good news is that we only have one whole month left to endure it! Sarcasm just comes naturally, get used to it.

I feel bad for the girls. I keep trying to get out at least once each day to do something for them in the form of exercise. The staff at the local McDonald's is starting to recognize us since we utilize the Playland area every other day. It is also "sad" that the Papa John's delivery person last night said the following when I answered the door, "Well, hello AGAIN!" I am tired of being in the hotel. I am tired of eating out. I am tired of having to put the cats in their cages for housekeeping to enter the room. I am tired of having laundry pile up until I am ready to haul it down the hallway to use the $1.50/load washer and $1.25/load dryer (which always requires a second $1.25 to finish drying). I AM JUST PLAIN TIRED OF THIS ALREADY!

On to something good...the 4 inches of snow we got yesterday melted today in our almost-50-degree sunny weather. It is beautiful outside once again and will probably reach the mid-60's by Friday. Can anyone say "KOOKY?"

Riley is calling to kick my butt at UNO once more.
Ta Ta for now.

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