Monday, December 22, 2008

It might reach a high of 1 degree today!

Folks, it is just downright cold here in Montana. Ben informs me that there has not been a white Christmas here in several years, so I think they/we are in luck this year. It has been snowing again since last night and we've probably gotten another inch or so of the powdery stuff. We've been blessed with a kind neighbor who has plowed our driveway the last few times, so maybe we'll get lucky again. I finally figured out that it is the guy across the street with his 4-wheeler with plow attachment. It was cute to see his dog riding on the back of the 4-wheeler, jumping off every so often to bound through the snow or take a potty break. Ben went over to thank him personally and introduce himself. He came away with a plate of assorted Christmas cookies that the wife said she had intended to walk over that evening.

Anyway, the temperature right now is -3 degrees with a wind chill of -17 degrees...not too toasty if you ask me.

HOWEVER, we have power and heat unlike a lot of our Indiana friends who were hit earlier in the weekend with an ice storm. I personally experienced a bad ice storm in the early 90's, so I can empathize.

I am posting a few pictures of our little family as we suffered the cold to get a family picture to send with our Christmas cards. The girls thought the snow was tons of fun, but soon realized just how cold it was. None of us lasted too long out there. The last picture is of our neighborhood wildlife. I remember seeing this bunny in the yard back when we were first viewing the house. It appears that he will be a regular visitor.

Hope everyone is staying warm and enjoying the season.

Love to all.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Cute pictures! You have such a sweet family. Glad you've met some neighbors and they are friendly ... that always makes a move seem better. ;)

You guys stay warm and have a very Merry Christmas!