Thursday, December 18, 2008

Where has the time gone?

It was so much easier to find time to blog when we were living in the hotel. Now my days are consumed with actual cooking and cleaning...ugh! Riley and I seem to just veg out most mornings and pass the time watching cartoons on Noggin or playing on the computer. Most mornings we don't make it past 8:30am without her asking to go "on the pewter." Too cute.

Just in case you were's getting pretty lonely out here. I am once again thrust into a new city trying to put down little roots. I realize that I am not alone, of course, but I seem to be really talented at wallowing in self-pity. I'm so proud of Ben and all that he has accomplished in his career. He is extremely talented and exudes a passion for his work. However, I do not tell him this enough and should let him know more often how inspiring he is to me. Now...back to the self-pity... it just gets old trying to get a home set up all over again... it gets old trying to find quality, trustworthy childcare... it gets old trying to find a decent job to help pay the mounting bills... it gets old "waiting" to leave once I begin to really like it... It is really difficult to start over again and again and again. I'M TIRED!

Unfortunately, I have not been a good influence on my babies. Samantha cries about once a week, saying she wants to go back to Indiana. I'm sure my stinky attitude does not help her adjust to our new home. Since Ben so kindly enlightened me to my power over the children, I have told myself to have a better attitude. I probably won't listen to me...

I've ranted enough. I'm off to attempt to catch a few winks before dawn. I will try to return with a better attitude and positive energy next time. Maybe I'll even manage to take a few pictures of the house and post them for all to see.


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