Thursday, December 4, 2008

Home Sweet Home

You'll be pleased to hear that we are alive and well living in our new home. Hooray!

It has been just over two weeks since we signed on our home. What a busy, busy time. Ben and I (mostly Ben) managed to get the two bedrooms painted as planned. Our master bedroom turned out really, really nice! We went from pale yellow to a deep maroon/burgandy color. Nice and cozy if I do say so myself. The girls' bedroom went from white to purple and lime's crazy, but COOL! Two walls are purple and two walls are green. We also added some Wall Pops circles in a funky pattern...kind of a caterpillar/snake-like fashion. On top of that we added glow-in-the-dark stars (100 of them to be exact). Curtains were added last week in fashionable RED. Altogether with their rainbow-striped bedding we have quite a vision to behold! I'll take a few pictures and post them this weekend. Suffice it to say that the girls are quite happy to be sleeping in their own beds in their own room.

The rest of the house was SUPER CLEAN when we moved in...couldn't have been happier. We've spend the better part of the last two weeks unpacking all of the boxes and putting things in their place. My office/scrap room is a complete disaster, but the rest of the house is near perfect. We even have a guest room ready for anyone willing to be the first guest. Takers anyone???!!

With things calming down a little bit, I am beginning my job search in earnest once more. I am scheduled to take an exam for a job with the State of Montana next week. I'm not sure how many candidates there are for the position, but I remain hopeful until I receive a "ding" letter.

Ben is once again on a work-related trip out of town. This time he is in Kansas City, Missouri for eleven days. Ugh! It has actually been OK so far...the girls and I are settling into a routine as far as Samantha going to school...dinner time...bath time....bedtime...Mommy stays up until 1:00 am playing on the computer...Mommy barely stays awake the following day... you know, the usual!

Alright...I'm off to bed. I'm shooting for an extra 30 minutes of sleep tonight (ha, ha, ha).

Love to all,

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Sooooo glad you are in a house now ... and it sounds like it's already becoming a home! We sure do miss you. The new neighbors, well, haven't said one word to us (or vice versa) because they are never home!!! They also don't have two sweet girls to play with. Bummer.
