Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Good News and Bad News

I figure I'd better go ahead and get this posting done. I was so excited last week (Thursday, to be exact) when I received two job offers...count 'em...TWO. The first was a contract position over at Malmstrom AFB here in Great Falls. This company found me on and pretty much offered me the position with no questions asked. The rate of pay was pretty darn good considering the area and it was an opportunity to get experience in a government job. The second position was for an oral & maxillofacial surgeon's office acting as one of the two receptionists. The pay was less, but the benefits were good and it seemed that the office would be a great "family." To quote the knight in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, I "chose poorly." I thought the contract position would be a better opportunity and the money wouldn't be bad either...


I only made it two hours into the job on Monday before deciding that there was NO WAY I would ever be happy working there. Unfortunately, I didn't "listen" to that internal voice that was telling me to take the receptionist job at the dentisit/surgeon's office. It nagged at me all weekend and, of course, it's way too late to do anything about it.

SO, now I'm once again putting out my resumes and looking for the right job.
C'est la vie!!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Well what luck. At least you figured it out quickly and didn't stay to become miserable! There is something out there for ya girl! Lately I've considered begging Archiver's to let me come "work" for them!