Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Laugh, Cry or Scream?

I want to share a few things so that you can laugh, cry or feel sorry for me when I do the screaming...


Riley and I picked up Samantha from school the other day. When we got home and got out of the car, Riley said "Wait, guys, I hear (a dog) barfing." I thought Samantha was going to wet her pants from laughing so hard. I asked her if she knew what "barfing" meant and she made vomiting actions with her mouth/tongue. We laughed about it off and on for a day or so until I think Riley started taking offense. Toughen up, kid....these things are HILARIOUS!


Riley drank an excessive amount of juice today...thanks to me giving it to her in a sippy cup instead of a smaller juice box. She has been potty trained for several months now and doesn't usually have accidents anymore. She doesn't wipe for herself, but she can at least get herself to the facilities on time. HOWEVER, today proved to be a challenge for her little body's bladder. I left the house around 3:15pm to go to a job interview (more tomorrow on that). I called home when I left the interview and Ben didn't answer...hmm, unusual. I got home and finally found a naked Riley in her bedroom searching for clean clothes. She apparently needed to potty, notified her daddy, daddy said "go," Riley proceeded to watch television (or whatever activity in which she was engaged), and then tinkled all over herself and the floor (CARPET). Ben was getting her cleaned up and scolding her for unacceptable "big girl" behavior. Situation done, right? Not on, my friends...

I came downstairs to crunch some numbers with our budget and the rest of the family followed. Riley and Samantha both disappeared upstairs for a few minutes with Samantha reappearing downstairs first. I wondered aloud as to Riley's location. She came downstairs shortly thereafter. After many minutes had passed (fifteen?), Riley came over to check out the computer with me. I went to lift her up onto my lap and the seat of her pants was wet. I double-checked and asked her if she wet herself again. "Ummm..." she says while batting her eyes at me. I scolded her and told her to go to the bathroom and wait for me. A minute later I visit her and she confesses that she actually tinkled upstairs...IN MY BED!!!!!!!

I instructed Ben to handle the child while I went on a mission to check the bed. I couldn't find anything. Riley came upstairs and proceeded by my request to show me where she did the deed. She then lifted up the covers and said, "In there" while pointing to a spot where Ben's feet would be while sleeping. Sure enough, I lifted back the covers and found a wet spot the size of the palm of my hand. What a complete turkey this child has become! She climbed under the covers and tinkled in my bed!! She peed in my bed!!! IN MY BED!!!

I really don't think she cares...I have no idea why she decided to do her business under my covers...I have no idea why a 3-year-old does quote Riley, "Ummmmmmm...I don't know."

When you're done laughing, go hug your kids!!


Carrie said...

Don't pets do that when they are angry at their owners ... go poop on their floor or chew their slippers? Oh man ... I hated potty training. And I don't care what ANYONE says about 'terrible two's ... cause honey ... 3's are soooo much worse! I feel your pain and praying for age 4 to be much better (for both you and me!)
Stay warm!

Tracy D said...

Oh Melissa, at least she didn't pee in your side of the bed. ;-)