Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hi, ho...hi, ho....

it's off to find a job I go...

I had an interview this morning for a job at the county commissioner's office. It would be really glamorous, let me tell you..."thank you for calling, how may I direct your call?" Seriously, being a receptionist is not my favorite thing in the world...probably my least a matter of fact, I'd rather not deal with many people at all. HOWEVER, this trait is not embraced by most employers. :-)

I also e-mailed two resumes, dropped off a resume at a local chiropractors office (medical receptionist), and made an appointment for an inteview (customer service rep) on Friday. I also stopped by the Job Service Workforce Center to see if any new jobs posted today. I also check their website daily...this is where I get 99% of my job leads. If I don't get something soon, I'm going to start taking it personally. Of course, I already made a really bad decision two weeks ago....had my chance, I guess. I think I'll mail a letter to that office manager to thank her for the opportunity that I THREW AWAY!!!!

Deep breath....focus.....all better now.
I'm off to work on some behavior charts for the girls. We are also making job charts so that can earn some money, plus contribute to the household. Samantha has been waiting for this for a long time, so I'd better get it done.

Adios for now.


Ritterskamp said...
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Ritterskamp said...

If you're interested in working for Head Start, look for Mary Laskey. She's my mother-in-law.